Pillow packaging machine manufacturer of the product model classification?

Pillow packaging machine manufacturer of the product model classification ? Pillow packaging machine products by using frequency is very high, not only be used by an industry, because it has many functions, so the use of more extensive, and the performance of the products in the development of science and technology driven, but I don't mean it at the time of installation and use can be a simple operation, but also should be carried out in accordance with the formal instruction on!

Pillow-type packing machine safety operation rules are very necessary, safe operation rules can avoid mistakes and accidents

1. The machine shall not be used before the correct operation method and safety rules of the machine are known.

2. Any safety device, shield, face lock device, safety warning, operation instructions and signs on the machine shall not be removed with dirt.

Before operation, the position and operation method of the emergency stop button should be clear.

4. Working clothes and working caps in accordance with industrial safety regulations must be worn. Loose clothes, ties, scarves and distribution operations are strictly prohibited.

Before starting, check whether the screws in each part of the machine are loose and whether there is any foreign body on the table.

Six, after the start of the machine to observe whether the operation is normal, there is no noise and abnormal conditions, such as the discovery of a timely notice to the maintenance workers for inspection.

Do not touch the inside of the machine or the electrical parts until the power is turned off. Do not extend your hand into the end sealing and heating sealing wheel and the mechanism in operation

8. After each shift, the remaining materials of the machine should be cleaned and lubricated once a week.
